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Sino-African ties not only commercial

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-03-27 22:24

The ties between China and African countries are not based on a so-called "pure mercantilist basis", but the two sides are all-weather friends, said an article in the Beijing News. Excerpts:

The mutual economic benefits were highlighted by President Xi Jinping during his visits to Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of Congo this week.

The trade volume between China and Africa soared from $11 billion in 2000 to nearly $200 billion in 2012. Given the lingering economic turmoil in the western world, China and Africa can thank each other for their stable growth rates.

The two sides complement each other economically: China's fast-growing economy, basic and manufacturing industries need huge amounts of energy and other resources, while its products and funds need stable and open market demand. On the other hand, many African countries are highly dependent on their raw material exports, and their poor infrastructure and manufacturing industries urgently need foreign investment.

The complementary relationship has made China the continent's largest trade partner since 2009, and Xi's visit stressed the win-win ties, with 16 bilateral cooperation agreements signed in Tanzania.

However, the relationship between China and Africa is far more diversified and multi-leveled and is not just about economic interactions.

In his speech delivered in Tanzania, Xi stressed China's honesty in achieving brotherly friendships with Africa. What he pointed out has been testified by history, like when China helped to build the Tanzania-Zambia railway in the 1970s, at a time when China itself was experiencing economic hardship.

Africa is a continent with great potential, and room for its economic development is believed to be vast. But what is urgently need is to upgrade its infrastructure and industrialization process, something that other parties, except China, are unwilling or unable to do. Xi's visit attracted wide media attention throughout the continent. What China offers are positive responses to local expectation for Sino-African ties.

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