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Anti-corruption drive

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-05-30 22:57

The recent news reports indicating that staff members of the Party's disciplinary and supervisory organs must return all kinds of membership cards received in various names by June 20 has made the public look forward to a new pattern of anti-corruption fight, says an article in People's Daily. Excerpts:

Membership cards for high-class clubs for dinning, beauty therapy sessions and golf have become new means of corruption in recent years. The campaign for the disciplinary and supervisory system this time has burnt bridges of euphemistical corruption, preventing it from expanding to the private sector and demonstrating the authorities' determination to fight corruption.

Both changes in the working style and anti-corruption efforts need to start from every official. The expectation that officials at disciplinary and supervisory organs also need supervision is directly related to the credibility of anti-corruption work. Only when these supervisory officials become self-disciplined and role models will they be ready to fight corruption themselves.

Experts said the current campaign will play an important role. However, apart from strengthening supervision and requiring self-discipline, it still remains a problem how to form a guarantee mechanism to avoid "membership-card corruption" in the gray zone.

The war against corruption will not be completed with one stroke.

To begin with corruption around the people and guarantee them real results will be conducive to boosting government credibility. Starting with supervisory officials will make government officials at all levels understand the determination to treat them all equally, which is a fundamental way to fight corruption.

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