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Good Samaritan Law needed

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-07-11 21:59

Shenzhen has issued a regulation that protects the rights and interests of good Samaritans, which will make our society more harmonious, said an article in Beijing Youth Daily (excerpts below):

Shenzhen's regulation on good Samaritans follows the presumption of innocence and the principle of, "The burden of proof is upon the party who claims". It also stipulates that if people who are rescued falsely accuse their helpers, they will be punished according to the law.

In recent years, scandals where people who were rescued falsely accuse the people that helped them have been frequently revealed by the media, which expose the loopholes of our legal system in good Samaritan laws. Without a law protecting people who offer help during emergency, good Samaritans will be vulnerable and easily be wronged. The reports about good Samaritans being accused by people they helped have a noticeable negative influence in society. Many people hesitate to help others in need after reading the reports, as they don't want to get involved in lawsuits.

The law protecting good Samaritans is necessary and useful. People who intentionally accuse good Samaritans will be punished according to the law, and common people may not worry about being wronged when they help others. It's a good measure to promote the spirit of good Samaritans and help our society to be more harmonious.

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