Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Importance of Mao's diplomacy

By Gong Li (China Daily) Updated: 2013-12-23 07:37

The global order may have undergone drastic changes over the past few decades, but Mao's diplomatic principles still play a decisive role in China's foreign policy.

First, an independent foreign policy remains the basic principle of China's diplomacy. To become a distinguished and formidable member of the family of nations, China should continue to adhere to its independent foreign policy, safeguard its sovereignty and never allow any country to interfere in its internal affairs. While dealing with international affairs, it should reach its decisions independently and should never yield to external pressures.

Second, China should continue to make efforts to maintain world peace and oppose hegemonism. Mao once said that hegemony is the root cause of a restless world. Even in the 21st century, hegemony with all its new features remains an important cause of turbulence in the world. So opposing hegemonism and safeguarding world peace will be a long-term, arduous task for China.

But since international relations have changed, China should use its tactics with restraint but to their full advantage while opposing hegemonism.

Third, one of the focal points of China's diplomacy is to strengthen friendship and cooperation with developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Mao made it clear that China was committed to sharing the same breath with "Third World" countries. Developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America remain an important force to maintain world peace and promote the cause of human progress.

China continues to attach great importance to mutually beneficial cooperation with peoples of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and hopes they will extend mutual support in the struggle to safeguard their sovereignty and territorial integrity, and develop their economies.

The author is director of the Institute of International Strategic Studies of the Party School of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

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