Romano Prodi
"He (Li Keqiang) has a very open, direct personality, is a specialist in economic affairs and has deep political experience … "
M. D. Nalapat
"If China has made such great progress, it is because the CPC rejected copying Western commercial institutions, creating instead a model that had a natural fit with Chinese experience and needs."
Joe Borich
"The new leadership has a long and pressing agenda and its success will be largely measured by its success in addressing that agenda. I wish them every success, and I am encouraged by what has been done so far."
Herman Van Rompuy
"I appreciated Chinese President Xi Jinping's knowledge of the EU's way of working and his clear support for the improvement of the EU-China Strategic Partnership."
Jean-Marie Le Guen
"Given its unquestionably central role in international relations, we are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with China, so that it can fully play its role in a peaceful and constructive environment."
"I think that big Chinese companies need to be global, and for them it will be much easier to be global linking themselves with Europe than with the US. Europe is much more open."
Michel Rocard
"Dysfunction of the current world financial system is so deep that the classic recipes do not work. The West cannot conduct strategies to resolve the economic crisis without the Chinese. "
Marie Geoghegan-Quinn
"We see the government of China as being very committed to developing the dialogue … One of the hurdles we must overcome is the creation of the right environment to boost innovation."
Janez Potocnik
"The measure being taken by the Chinese authorities to reduce vehicle emissions are very similar to our policies in Europe, and we have cooperated in this area for many years by sharing expertise and best practices."