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There is little doubt that the Chinese government is much more efficient, competent and quick-to-action when compared to the paralyzed, dysfunctional mess we have here in the US.[More]
Given China's immense size and large population, it did a pretty good job with getting people out of poverty and maintaining stability in such a short period of time.[More]
It is crucial time for chinese and their country, so further opening up and deep reform is the indispensable road.[More]
As someone that has emigrated from the UK, I find Shanghai a very free, easy and attractive place to live.[More]
This is great news! I will definitely be looking closely to what incorporation can be done in Shanghai.[More]
I wish Shanghai and the PRC the greatest of good fortunes with the Shanghai FTZ.[More]
As a foreigner in China I know the visa problems will stop many people wanting to buy into the FTZ.[more]