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Did you do anything beautiful today?

Updated: 2014-03-06 17:10
By Kim lee (

The lessons that stay with us the longest are those we learn in real life, and that includes daily trips in crowded elevators. It is within this tiny “classroom” that my daughters have come to learn that true beauty doesn’t lie in the face reflected back from the elevator door, but rather in the hand holding that door open for someone else.

And what if my lovely, funny, door-holding daughters should grow up to choose careers as make-up artists, fashion designers or some other appearance-oriented profession? Well, that will be ok with me. Because I’ll know that the choice will have been made after experiencing a wide range of options and by following their own independent spirits. They will be doing what their hearts called them to do, not what society or my personal hopes and expectations limited them to doing. As long as they continue to live their lives with kindness and respect for others, while doing work that they enjoy, they will be living beautiful lives. And a beautiful life is worth much, much more than a pretty face.

Happy Women’s Day to all the talented, tenacious, capable, kind, intelligent, interesting, bold, brave, pioneering, perseverant, witty and wonderful women of all ages everywhere… and remember, these qualities are the most eternal beauty!

With Love and Gratitude,


Kim Lee is a writer and teacher specializing in family education. She lives in Beijing with her three daughters.


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