Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Navy sailing with the times

By Zhang Junshe (China Daily) Updated: 2014-04-21 10:56

However, on this occasion, it is right for the Chinese government not to extend an invitation to Japan. It is Japan’s denial of the territorial dispute dispute and its crimes in history that have estranged the two countries.The Japanese government has hurt Chinese people’s feelings with a series of provocative actions and comments concerning the Diaoyu Islands and historical issues, so it is improper to invite Japanese ships that fly the Rising Sun Ensign – the military flag flown by their navy during the invasion of China – to come to China.

It is true that US declined to participate in the anniversary review, but that was just a gesture to appease Japan, which is its key ally in the region. It is meaningless to speculate this move was a sign of growing US-China rivalry.

In fact, communication and cooperation between the Chinese and US navies have never been affected by the worsening of relations between China and Japan; on the contrary, the US is obviously paying great attention to the 14th Western Pacific Naval Symposium, which is being held in the Chines port of Qingdao as part of the anniversary. The US has sent a delegation of dozens of people, which is the largest among all 25 participants, and it is headed by two four-star admirals, the highest rank in the navy. This clearly demonstrates its willingness and interest in having dialogue with China.

The US has not changed its strategy of maintaining a position between China and Japan, and there is hardly any possibility of it changing that position in the foreseeable future. It is time for those speculating about US-China opposition to have a rest.

The author is a researcher and deputy head of the Naval Research Institute, PLA.

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