Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Proactive diplomacy connects the world

By Zhai Kun (China Daily) Updated: 2014-05-06 07:30

China has adopted an attitude of not evading questions, welcoming political negotiation, acting in accordance with international and regional rules while making necessary military preparations and taking necessary measures for effective control.

With their special experiences, the new leadership has a very strong sense of mission, a focus on efficiency and hard work, no shortage of risk awareness, and little fear of dangers or difficulties. It tends to act proactively and seek steady diplomatic progress through a louder Chinese voice and rational use of Chinese power, in order to effectively safeguard Chinese interests and maximize the Chinese contribution to world affairs.

However, attention should be given to possible reactions. In the post-Cold War and post-financial crisis era the world's complexity and uncertainty are beyond imagination. Countries have their own interests and considerations and so will have their own paces and rhythms rather than dancing with China. For example, some countries may, for the time being, find it difficult to understand the new concepts, initiatives or actions of China; some may misunderstand or even resist them; and some may even deliberately distort or disrupt them.

As the proverb says: more haste, less speed. It is extremely difficult for the new leaders to make correct situational judgments and balance the timing, strength and rhythm of decision-making and implementation in a dynamic and smart way. Diplomacy is an art of experience and skills are gained through long-term practice. There is much to expect in this regard.

The author is director of the Institute of World Political Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations. www.chinausfocus.com

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