Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

A democratic system that suits China

By Liu Guijun (China Daily) Updated: 2014-06-04 07:39

China's democracy is a people's democracy under the leadership of the Party, a democracy in which the overwhelming majority of the people act as masters of State affairs, a democracy with democratic centralism as the basic organizational principle and mode of operation.

In building socialist democracy, China has always adhered to the basic principle of combining the Marxist theory of democracy with the realities of China, assimilated the democratic elements of its traditional culture and institutional civilization, and borrowed from the achievements of other societies. This has not only made its national policy consistent and guaranteed long-term social stability, but also ensured that the people enjoy full freedom and rights. It also has fulfilled people's wishes and demands, and facilitated quick decisions on matters of concern, reflecting the unification of democracy and centralization, and fair division of labor and cooperation.

History tells us that no country can prosper by relying on outside forces and blindly following others. Western-style democracy may suit Western countries, but it cannot be "transplanted" to other countries.

The political upheavals in the Middle East, Thailand, Ukraine and some other countries have sounded the alarm for developing countries as far as democratic systems are concerned. Therefore, if China adheres to the development path it has chosen, it can establish it as a successful institutional system different from those followed by Western countries.

People's democracy is the life of socialism. Chinese people's understanding of democracy is deepening, and the institutional arrangements of democracy in the country have been improving. Although socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics may not be perfect in some aspects, developing a more extensive and robust people's democracy has become the consensus of Chinese society.

Chinese people, under the Party's leadership, will continue to follow the socialist democratic path with Chinese characteristics, carrying high the banner of people's democracy, to widen the Chinese path to democracy.

The author is a researcher with the CCCPC Party Literature Research Office.

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