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Foreigners' favorite Chinese dishes

( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-09-04 08:11

Toffler (UK)

I have so many its hard to pick one favorite! Such as

麻婆豆腐 - mapo tofu

水煮牛肉 - beef in spicy soup

鱼香茄子 - fish-flavored eggplant

干煸四季豆 - 4-seasons spicy beans

蚝油牛肉 - beef with peppers

宫保鸡丁- kung pao chicken

空心菜 - fried morning glory (water spinach)

饺子 – dumplings

Foreigners' favorite Chinese dishes

Foreigners' favorite Chinese dishes Foreigners' favorite Chinese dishes
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The original piece: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-47217-1-1.html


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