Opinion / Editorials

Sino-Japanese ties worrying

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-09-10 07:34

Other views:

Japan's leaders are responsible for the worsening of its relationship with China, because they insist on persisting with their wrongdoings over territorial disputes and historical problems. Their deeds are foolish because Japan is also suffering from the worsening relations. The Japanese leadership should change onto the right track to avoid further losses.

Gao Hong, Institute of Japanese Studies, CASS, takungpao.com, Sept 5

After two years of tensions, both China and Japan have clearly recognized each other's bottom line. It is predictable that Japan won't cross China's red line, while China will insist on peaceful development without adding too many uncertainties to its relationship with Japan. That might be enough to stabilize the bilateral relationship, but it will not be enough to improve it. The two countries need to work toward the common goal of reducing frictions, so that when opportunities appear they can seize them.

Zhou Yongsheng, China Foreign Affairs University, ifeng.com, Aug 11

Even though it helped China develop in the 1980s and 1990s, Japan has remained on guard against it, and this has caused friction as China has developed rapidly over the past decade. Certain Japanese enterprises have even withdrawn their investment from China for fear of China obtaining more advanced technologies. But this is a strategic mistake. By imagining China as a competitor and potential enemy, Japan is suffering unnecessary economic losses and restraining its own economic growth, thus accelerating the decline that started in the 1990s.

Zhang Yunling, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Japanese Studies (bi-monthly journal), Sept 2014

Tensions have already negatively affected economic relations between China and Japan. From a practical point of view, China could restart official dialogue with Japan and insist on its claims, so as to win more international support and avoid economic losses on both sides.

dfdaily.com, Sept 2

Chinese leaders' speeches and media comments show that with the country's growing comprehensive capabilities, Chin's leaders are increasingly confident in their dealings with Japan. In the future, relations between China and Japan might enter a new strategic balance and they should be prepared for that.

People.com.cn, Sept 3


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