Opinion / Editorials

Keep anti-graft momentum

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-10-09 07:58

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The success of the anti-graft campaign should not be judged by how many corrupt officials get their deserved punishment, but by whether we can introduce a new logic that anybody abusing power for profit has to pay for that. Prevention is more important than punishment.

Procuratorial Daily, Oct 8

Corrupt officials tend to defend the current mechanism, because its low degree of democracy and rule of law are the best means for them to seek personal gain from their power in hand. In order to break the barriers of their interests, China needs to accelerate the ongoing reform so that the principles of democracy and rule of law are firmly rooted in the political system.

Xie Pengcheng, a senior researcher with the Supreme People's Procuratorate, caixin.com, Oct 6

In past practices, anti-graft measures have been more like temporary tools to regulate society and pacify the people's anger at corruption. That's far from enough and why several past efforts to curb corruption failed. Clean governance should be an independent objective of China's politics, economy and society building. That objective, clearly stated in the new leadership's speeches and actions, has demonstrated their determination to root out corruption amid whatever difficulties.

Ren Jianming, director of the Clean Governance Research and Education Center at Beihang University, ifeng.com, Oct 6

Many have hailed the anti-graft campaign, but they worry that when it comes to an end corruption might come back again and things return to how they used to be. A total, profound political reform is needed to regulate power and make the temporary measures permanent. That requires the leadership design new, strict anti-graft mechanisms from the top - a test of its political wisdom and courage.

Study Times, Oct 6

Considering the rampancy of corruption, the struggle against it might be a long, hard battle, the end of which will not appear in sight for years. But China won't give up, because we all know that the future of the nation hangs upon the anti-graft campaign.

CCTV, on Sina micro blog, Oct 5


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