Opinion / Forum Trends

Should children kowtow to their parents?

( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-02-06 08:16

casseopeia (Thailand)

If you don't want them to love you and be close to you and share everything with you - it's obvious that you're placing a distance between your kids and yourself if you make them kneel before you. But it's still going on in the overseas Chinese community. My aunt got married and had to kneel to her parents-in-law. So, I think that while respect should be given to parents (that is, don't be yelling at your parents, etc...), kneeling is going over the line and will make children resent you when they get older, and if not resent you, then it will at least place an emotional distance between you.

Should children kowtow to their parents?

One father is moved to tears by his daughter after his daughter kneeled down before him in the square of Guangdong experimental high school in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong province, May 4, 2011. [Photo/CFP]

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