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Should children kowtow to their parents?

( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-02-06 08:16

Ronny (Australia)

I think the idea of showing respect is one thing, but subservience is another, which from my side is what this kneeling looks like. I admire Chinese traditions, mostly, though some are of course a little strange to me. But, in some cases the parents take too much advantage of this system, and do treat their kids like servants that should obey like a slave, and I know this from experience, not hearsay. Children do need to show respect to their parents, and parents to their children, and added to this is love and affection.

Should children kowtow to their parents?

A mother hugs her daughter after her daughter kneeled down before her in the square of Guangdong experimental high school in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong province, May 4, 2011. [Photo/CFP]

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