Opinion / Forum Trends

Should men get paternity leave?

( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-03-12 07:54

Amy (Sweden)

Yes, absolutely! It is great for fathers to be able to bond with their children by staying at home for a while, and also realize what it is like to take care of children all day. In my native Sweden, both parents receive 480 days' leave – including 390 at around 80% of their salary – for each child, with 60 days reserved for each parent and the remaining 360 shared as the couple choose.

Should men get paternity leave?

Hannah Gardi holds her 11 week-old daughter, Adalyn Stubbs, while her husband, Matt Stubbs smiles at them Aug. 14, 2014 in the 29th St. Community Center in Baltimore, where Gardi works as Director. Matt was visiting his wife for lunch at work Thursday afternoon while he is on paternity leave with Adalyn.[Photo/IC]

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