Opinion / Hot Words

忏悔录 (chànhuǐlù): Confessions

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-04-15 08:14

The Party's discipline inspectors have released the confessions of corrupt officials under investigation or serving sentences in custody, in order to warn other Party members by showing how they become corrupt and degenerate step by step.

Many corrupt officials have confessed that the first time they took a bribe they thought it would be a one-off. But after that they became corrupt because they could not resist the temptation and they became bolder and gradually took it for granted. They always pretended to be diligent and frugal in front of the public to cover their corrupt and degenerate nature.

Many fallen officials' confessions about the reasons they committed crimes are quite similar: They always cite "not familiar with the law" as an excuse for their wrongdoings. Yet most of these corrupt officials have excellent educational backgrounds, and it is unreasonable to believe that they haven't received relevant education about what is right or wrong, never mind the law. As the rule of law has become the basic policy of the Party, it is ridiculous that as senior officials they claimed not to have understood law.

All Party members should draw the correct lessons from these confessions of the corrupt.

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