Opinion / Specials

Chinese youth find spirit of volunteering

By Nie Ligao and Yin Tao (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-05-04 09:58


Chinese youth find spirit of volunteering

Liu Xiaohui reads book with her students. Liu, born in 1994, graduated from Nankai University, has served as a voluntary teacher with the project "Teach for China" for almost one year in Chaozhou city of Guangdong province.[Photo provided to China Daily]

A decade-long journey to be a voluntary teacher

Liu Xiaohui, a voluntary teacher in a rural community, finally realized her dream after a decade of effort.

“I got to know what a university looks like from several voluntary college students about 10 years ago,” Liu said. “From that time on, I wished to become one of them”.

In the past year, she has spent most of her time with her students. “I know the exact situation of rural education because I come from there,” she explains. “More important is that I feel happiness when I am with my voluntary colleagues and students”.

Liu tries to improve the reading, writing and comprehensive competence of her charges with different approaches as well as communicating with local teachers.

“I am proud of my students and they have become more confident and eager to express themselves,” she adds.

Liu is also fulfilled by joining the project. “I am now more patient and mature when it comes to dealing with tough questions and I am sure I am on the way to becoming a better person,” she says.

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