Opinion / Specials

Chinese youth find spirit of volunteering

By Nie Ligao and Yin Tao (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-05-04 09:58

Chinese youth find spirit of volunteering

Sheng Yi, 1990, Graduated from: Hebei Agricultural University
Voluntary program: Gesanghua Education Aid, Major serving place: Qinghai province [Photo provided to China Daily]

 Beneficiary gives back to society

Sheng Yi, now a volunteer with Gesanghua Education Aid, found her way back to her once contributor when she joined a donation activity accidently in college. “I was a receiver of the Gesanghua education program and now I come back to help people like me,” she said.

Thanks to the support of the program, Sheng worked hard during her college days to support herself on her own feet and graduated from her college smoothly.

“It’s been my hope to give aid to people in need,” she added. “I know there are lots of students who need our help like I did in the past,” Sheng recalled.

The program mainly serves the students from poor families in Qinghai and Gansu provinces. “I come from western regions and I do hope to do my best to serve those younger brothers and sisters in my hometown,”she added.

Sheng also realizes that to be a volunteer we need to improve ourselves in the first place. “That what Gesanghua made me: An open-minded, self-disciplined and responsible person,” Sheng concluded.

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