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新媒体中的代表性人士 (xinmeiti zhong de daibiaoxing renshi): Representatives of new media

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-06-05 07:50

At a meeting on united front work in May, top leader Xi Jinping said that new media need to enhance and improve their work. Representatives of new media can be divided into two groups: one is the operators of new media platforms, which can be called new media practitioners; the other is the content producers, which can be called the online opinion leaders who can be commentators from any region or any walk of life.

In particular, new media practitioners, including investors in new media enterprises, the management and staff, the writing and editing personnel and technicians, are the important members of a new social class and the members of a united front work.

Representatives of new media have emerged during the rapid development technology and are characterized by a high education background, strong mobility, active thinking and great influence. These people play a key role in maintaining Internet security and shaping public opinion, which is a significant force that propels social development. The aim of a united front work in new media is to guide and help representatives of new media so they support and promote the healthy development of the industry.

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