Opinion / From the Readers

China and ROK set good trade example for the region

By Anastasia Sukhoretskaya (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-11-01 17:44

China and ROK set good trade example for the region

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L) shakes hands with South Korean President Park Geun-hye during their bilateral meeting in Seoul, Oct 31, 2015. [Photo/Xinhua]

Being a Russian in China, I have friends from the Republic of Korea in Beijing. That’s the way I have become acquainted with Chinese and Korean cultures. Communication between Chinese and South Koreans also explains why Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s ROK visit is of such interest to the people of China and the ROK.

People are overwhelmed by Korean signs, services and products in Beijing. Thousands of Korean students seek further study here and plenty of Korean canteens and taekwondo clubs are scattered among the capital’s streets. You will also see many Korean TV series on Chinese satellite TV stations as vehicles of the Korean brands here.

China and ROK set good trade example for the region
Ana Sukhoretskaya

When I am in Seoul, capital of South Korea, Chinese trends welcome me the same way. You meet staff who can speak Chinese and you can order your dinner with the menu in Korean and Chinese.

With the aid of the FTA between the two countries, cooperation will be accelerated and widened which will benefit businesses and the people. My Chinese friends would have a chance to use less expensive makeup from the ROK.

Russia, my motherland, as an important trade partner of both China and the ROK, should learn lessons from the China-ROK example and I hope my country will join to further free trade and integration in the region of north-east Asia and share the win-win dividends.

The author is a senior blogger of China Daily blog platform.

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