Opinion / Hot Words

创新驱动(chuangxin qudong): Innovation driven

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-11-25 07:54

Deepening the implementation of innovation-driven development is among proposals in the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20).

To achieve innovation-driven development, technological innovation should come first among local priorities. The country will prioritize the advancement of technological innovation that is the strategic support for improving social productivity and comprehensive national strength.

Promoting innovation-driven development through technology is necessary under China's current conditions. Since reform and opening-up in the late 1970s, China's economy has developed rapidly. However, the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing, and the pressures on the resources and environment have become increasingly obvious. Therefore, China needs to promote development that is driven by technology and innovation in the future.

This requires an innovation-friendly environment. Governments at all levels should improve their function and operation through systematic reform, and provide more services and favorable policies to promote innovation-driven development.

Moreover, technological innovation is an economic process, and the major producer of technological innovation and economic activities is enterprises. Whether enterprises are able to play a leading role in technological innovation will determine how successful the innovation-driven strategy will be to a large extent.

(China Daily 11/25/2015 page8)

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