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网络空间命运共同体 (wangluo kongjian mingyun gongtongti): Cyberspace community of shared future

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-12-17 08:02

The theme of the three-day World Internet Conference, which started in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province, on Wednesday, is "An Interconnected World Shared and Governed by All - Building a Cyberspace Community of Shared Future".

The conference has drawn about 2,000 representatives of international organizations, enterprises, technology groups, governments, and non-governmental organizations from around the world who will exchange ideas on global Internet governance, cyber security, Internet intellectual property rights, sustainable development of the Internet and technological innovation, among other things.

The Internet has broken visible and invisible global boundaries and has made the international online community a community of shared destiny. The number of Internet users in China is more than 668 million, about half its total population. This has made the Internet an indispensable part of the infrastructure in China, with the Internet economy accounting for 7 percent of the country's overall GDP.

China is now promoting the "Internet Plus" strategy, in order to strengthen the Internet industry in the next stage.

The Internet has already made interconnection easier. So, in the future we should focus on promoting shared governance for better interconnectivity. People all over the world should work together to build a humane cyberspace community with a shared future that respects differences and seeks consensus.

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