Opinion / Hot Words

贪内助 (tan neizhu): Corrupt spouse

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-01-19 08:25

"Corrupt spouse" has already become a noticeable phenomenon in a number of cases involving corrupted government officials. The spouses of officials found to be involved in corruption have often helped their partners take bribes, or take advantage of their spouses' positions to make illegal profits.

For instance, it has been reported that the wife of the head of the department of land resources in North China's Shanxi province was deeply involved in his illegal activities. She took advantage of his position and received bribes for buying and selling official positions.

The authorities have long been aware of the negative influence of corrupt officials' spouses, and have paid attention to the activities of officials' spouses as part of the anti-corruption campaign.

According to media reports, Xiamen public security bureau in East China's Fujian province has arranged several newly promoted officials and their spouses to receive anti-corruption awareness education together. And the spouses of the officials said that they will supervise and help their partners remain honest and uncorrupted in their work.

Meanwhile, Party discipline has been strengthened to prevent spouses from abusing their proximity and access to power.

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