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院士退出机制(yuànshì tuìchu jizhì): Exit mechanism for academicians

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-09-08 07:29

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2013 called for reform of the selection and management system of academicians to root out corruption and unethical behavior, and allow new blood to enter.

Since being an academician is a great honor in the academic circle, the title comes with interests attached. Some local authorities and institutions provide extremely preferential treatment to academicians.

But with no mechanism for relinquishing or revoking the title, some holders of the title who prove to be unqualified academicians or who fail to meet the required ethical standards still hold the title.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences recently released its newly revised regulations, which include amendments allowing academicians to renounce their title and the academy to revoke the title. Before the revision, there was no exit mechanism for academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering.

But in reality, reform of the exit mechanism faces great obstacles from vested interests.

Even if academicians are willing to voluntarily give up the title, local authorities and institutions that regard academicians as a source of prestige will be reluctant to allow them to do so.

Therefore, the reform of academician system demands detailed design and strict implementation.

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