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Should smoking be banned inside the airport?

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2016-11-04 16:07

Elzach (US)

Every time I read an article of the sort, "smoking should be banned at such and such place", I reply by simply asking:

When was the last time a chain smoker caused a deadly traffic accident?

When was the last time a chain smoker physically abused his spouse?

When was the last time a chain smoker hurt himself/herself in an accident after a bout of heavy smoking?

When was the last time a chain smoker caused a brawl at a bar/restaurant?

I do not condone heavy smoking, but frankly, alcohol consumption is far more dangerous to the public. IMO, "ALCOHOL should be banned in such and such place".

I invite all the readers here to counter my argument.

Should smoking be banned inside the airport?

Smoking is the biggest preventable risk factor for serious lung diseases.[Photo/Xinhua]

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