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Should parents arrange dates for their children?

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-02-12 08:38

Ratfink (Australia)

A couple of 30-something Chinese women I know had this issue over the just passed Spring Festival. In both cases the end result was massive verbal brawls with their families and in one case the woman concerned returned back to the city she works in from her hometown and is refusing to speak to her parents.

While the parents may mean well, it's not appreciated when they tell their daughters that you're too old to get a good man, or that you have to take on any guy who wants you. In the words of the other friend: "Why should I get married to a guy who has half my education, who has nothing in common with me and whom I can't stand the sight of".

Parents should IMHO pull their horns in and let their kids find their own partner if that's what they want, or remain single. After all it's the children's life, not theirs.

Should parents arrange dates for their children?

A special guest proposes to a young woman at the group blind date event.[Photo/IC]

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