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A good start to China-US relationship

China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-13 07:04

Trade frictions may continue

A good start to China-US relationship

Zhang Zhixin, head of American Political Studies at the Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations [Photo/China Daily]

The uncertainties associated with China-US relations after Trump entered the White House almost three months ago did not affect the talks, because the US president did not let his previous ill-founded remarks against China get in the way.

The newly established dialogue mechanisms-a comprehensive economic dialogue, a diplomatic and security dialogue, a law enforcement and cybersecurity dialogue, and a dialogue on social and cultural issues-are a much needed extension of the bilateral communications structure forged when George W. Bush and Barack Obama were US presidents. Military communications, too, are likely to be boosted.

Trade frictions, however, may remain as the Trump administration is yet to decide its trade policies. And the US is not likely to scale down its involvement in some regional security matters such as the Korean Peninsula and South China Sea issues.

And since Trump has signed an executive order to reverse Obama's Clean Power Plan, China-US cooperation on climate change faces an uncertain future, though both countries could seek to cooperate in the energy and infrastructure sectors.

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