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A good start to China-US relationship

China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-13 07:04

Dialogues are significant

A good start to China-US relationship

QiHao, an associate researcher at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences [Photo/China Daily]

The Xi-Trump meeting signals the beginning of a new era for China-US relations. It has given both leaders a chance to understand each other's thoughts and policymaking tendencies. Allowing the two leaders to exchange views on their core concerns, the meeting could also help them to reach a consensus on how to manage disputes.

Contrary to concerns, the two meetings between the leaders worked out fine: The first forged personal friendship between them, and the second witnessed the establishment of new dialogue mechanisms and agreements on deepening cooperation. Making sure the two countries are on the same page about the importance of dialogues and mutual trust is in itself an achievement.

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