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兴边富民行动(xīngbiānfùmín xíngdòng): Actions to help the border areas prosper and enrich the lives of local residents

China Daily | Updated: 2017-05-12 07:14

A 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) for rejuvenating the border areas and enriching the lives of those living there was approved at an executive meeting of the State Council, China's Cabinet, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday.

According to the plan, the government will take measures to improve local infrastructure and public services including education, medical care, old-age care and employment.

All border villages are to have access to roads, electricity, telecommunications services, drinkable water, medical services and safe houses by 2020.

The government will also offer preferential policies to support the border areas and encourage development of cultural tourism as well as more exchanges and cooperation with neighboring regions.

In addition, opening-up and cooperation along the border areas will be further deepened, and the authorities will promote border areas deeply involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.

The plan is of great significance to State security, national unity and the building of a well-off society in an all-round way.

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