Opinion / Chris Peterson

Chris Peterson

Chris Peterson is managing editor for China Daily Europe. He is a veteran journalist who had served Reuters and Bloomberg News for the past four decades. He had extensive reporting experience in Vietnam, Singapore, Paris, London and Hong Kong.

Support China to gain market economy status

[2016-01-15 08:42]

China's economy is on track to eventually overtake the US' in the next few years and that, I suspect, is what rankles in Washington.

China joins exclusive carrier club as its navy grows

[2016-01-08 07:54]

I think my fascination with all things naval, and specifically aircraft carriers, began with my dad. He left school at the age of 14 and became a Boy Seaman at HMS Ganges, a training establishment in eastern England for junior Royal Navy Ratings.

Why I won't be making any New Year resolutions

[2015-12-30 20:35]

Oh dear, it's that time of year again. Time to trot out a list of New Year Resolutions that one never keeps.

EU problems are getting bad to worse

[2015-12-18 09:19]

Bureaucracy sails serenely on as open borders system crumbles, not to mention other crises.

Londoners feel empathy with Beijing over smog

[2015-12-11 08:18]

In 1952, thousands died in Britain's capital as unrestricted pollution combined with a temperature inversion.

Xi's travels present picture of resurgent nation

[2015-12-04 08:22]

President Xi Jinping has, by my count, become the most-traveled Chinese leader of modern times, as he seeks to project the Chinese Dream, in which he promotes the revitalization of China's standing in the world.

Osborne, on top after China, now faces challenges

[2015-11-27 07:57]

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne was riding high after his high-profile visit to China in September, spending time in Beijing, Shanghai and Xinjiang, meeting with key Chinese leaders and preparing the groundwork for President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United Kingdom last month.

My distress for the city that charmed me

[2015-11-20 08:08]

Bloodstained minutes may have wrought an unexpected change on France.

Paris attacks tear at heartstrings in many ways

[2015-11-20 09:10]

Now that pattern has been brutally smashed, not by an isolated act of terror, but by a calculated, coordinated assault by the Islamic State, described as "idolaters".

More action needed to rid us of the plastic plague

[2015-11-06 07:38]

China leads way in dealing with a scourge England is beginning to grapple with.

Picture says it all: Beer, fish and chips

[2015-10-30 07:32]

As China and Britain cement their relationship, United States can only look on and gripe about hacking

50 years in news, and wonders never cease

[2015-10-23 08:06]

A little more than 50 years ago, fresh out of school and with only a vague idea of what I wanted to be, I hopped on my bicycle at my home in an Oxford suburb, and rode down the hill to see if I could get a job as a cub reporter on my local newspaper, the Oxford Mail and Times.

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