Opinion / Fu Jing

Brussels visit gives Trump a chance to reset ties with EU

[2017-05-23 07:09]

US President Donald Trump and EU leaders are expected to start swirls of bargains on how to reshape the trans-Atlantic partnership and lead the changing world.

G7 and G20 summits can take inspiration from Silk Road spirit

[2017-05-16 07:19]

In acting as timely messengers and transforming the world into a better place, Italy and Germany can follow the example set by Schwab and use the Silk Road spirit of peaceful exchanges to guide the G7 and G20 summits.

In the tracks of Belt and Road Initiative

[2017-05-09 07:52]

In delivering the Belt and Road Initiative, inclusiveness, tolerance and even flexibility will count in achieving mutual understanding and joint actions.

For EU, pragmatism equals vision when dealing with Brexit

[2017-05-02 07:26]

The decision-making process of the European Union can be painfully slow, and often leaders need to burn the midnight oil to reach an agreement.

Talking behind the scenes of Brexit

[2017-04-30 07:33]

The decision-making process of the European Union can be painfully slow and often leaders need to burn the midnight oil to reach agreement.

Europeans looking to Belt and Road forum to deepen dialogue

[2017-04-25 07:17]

As the highly-anticipated Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing approaches, many Europe-based China observers are thinking of using the May 14-15 forum to deepen dialogue and exchanges, and institutionalize the Belt and Road Initiative (the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road) proposed by President Xi Jinping more than three years ago.

Greece is ready to seek sustainable growth

[2017-04-20 07:44]

Compared with other European countries, Greece has attracted a lot of headlines in recent years.

EU should cash in on opportunities, not look at problems

[2017-04-18 07:12]

China-EU relations are expected to get a boost when Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, holds the annual political and strategic dialogue with Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi on Wednesday. Brussels has said the meeting will pave the way for the bilateral summit, the date for which will be announced soon.

Xiongan New Area offers foreign investors fresh opportunities

[2017-04-11 06:56]

Although Xiongan New Area is high on China's domestic agenda, it could offer excellent opportunities to foreign-especially European-investors, businesses and talents worldwide, as well.

Finland, Switzerland apt models for research, innovation

[2017-04-05 07:14]

In three months, President Xi Jinping has traveled to Europe twice. Following his trip to Davos to attend the World Economic Forum and a state visit to Switzerland in January, Xi reached Finland on Tuesday before flying to the United States for his first meeting with US President Donald Trump.

Stronger trade, higher investment will boost China-EU relations

[2017-03-28 07:52]

Citing data, some Belgian media outlets have reported that Chinese investors in Belgium have created up to 18,500 jobs for local residents.

Change of attitude needed to ensure EU's lasting success

[2017-03-21 07:02]

On March 25, 1957, Belgium, West Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands inked the treaty that established the European Economic Community in an ancient building on Capitoline Hill in Rome.

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