Opinion / Liang Hongfu

Retailers need not look back in anger

[2010-03-27 07:55]

Domestic supermarket chains, together with some major suppliers, have been calling on the central government to check what they see as the encroachment of foreign retail giants in their own backyards.

High diplomacy has yuan problem in hand

[2010-03-20 07:32]

The intensifying US pressure on China to revalue the yuan is more about job creation in the US than its merchandise trade deficit with China.

Come and see the Expo effect to believe it

[2010-03-15 06:52]

In an online interview in Beijing last week, Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng clarified that the cost of hosting 2010 World Expo, scheduled to open in May, would be about 28.6 billion yuan rather than the rumored 400 billion yuan.

Eat, drink less and enjoy life to the fullest

[2010-02-26 06:54]

The high moment of a family dinner at my home when I was a kid was the wheeling out of the fruit trolley at the end of the meal. Having some fruit after dinner, considered good for digestion, was something I had been doing routinely long after I became an adult and began raising my own family.

Good gadgets are about looks, too

[2010-02-12 07:20]

All my geek friends have been talking about Apple's iPad since its launch last week. I am not a geek. But all those electronic tools and toys gathering dust in the cupboards and drawers can attest to my credential as a gadget freak.

Ode to health that melts in the mouth

[2010-02-02 07:04]

House of Long Life is a small eatery on a side street in an old and modest district of Shanghai. From the outside, it looks just like any other neighborhood restaurant with cheap-looking aluminum-framed glass doors opening to a steamy room cramped with tables and chairs.

Royal friends of the wild are always in our thoughts

[2010-01-29 07:16]

It is sad to read that the tigers we love so much are facing imminent extinction in the wild. These noble animals belong to forests, not zoos.

HK must learn how to deal with its youth

[2010-01-22 06:41]

The post-80s generation of young men and women of Hong Kong are mostly bright, well-educated and inquisitive. Unlike their immigrant forebears, they strongly identify themselves with Hong Kong, which they are not embarrassed to call home.

Can we give this city a proper image

[2010-01-15 06:42]

A banker friend of mine in Hong Kong has visited Shanghai many times, mostly for business. But she still couldn't see what's there to like about the city, which, to her, is just like any other cosmopolitan sprawl that is distinguished only by the number of luxury hotels, fancy restaurants and Starbuck's cafes.

Whitewashed with snow, strain, smile

[2010-01-08 07:20]

Most travelers in China must have noticed the huge improvement in the service of the various domestic airlines. This achievement is particularly impressive as the three major carriers are hard pressed to cope with the exceptional growth in passengers in recent years.

Geely's bid for Volvo expensive

[2010-01-04 07:17]

A joint statement by Ford and Geely said that they have reached tentative agreement on the sale of Volvo of Sweden by the US automaker to its Chinese counterpart. The amount of the transaction wasn't disclosed, but industry sources estimated that it would be around $2 billion.

Rolling back Shanghai's confidence

[2009-12-25 07:13]

Playing host to the World Expo in May 2010, Shanghai is coming of age.

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