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Ivana Kupala holiday celebrated in Kiev

Updated: 2013-07-08 17:09
( Agencies)

Ivana Kupala holiday celebrated in Kiev

A man in a folk costume sings and dances during the celebration of the traditional Ivana Kupala (Ivan the Bather) holiday near Kiev July 6, 2013. The ancient tradition, originating from pagan times, is usually marked in Ukraine with grand overnight festivities. During the Ivana Kupala, people jump over burning campfires and bathe in a lake or a river, as they believe it will purge them of their sins and make them healthier. [Photo/Agencies]

Ivana Kupala holiday celebrated in Kiev

People jump over a campfire during a celebration of the traditional Ivana Kupala (Ivan the Bather) holiday near Kiev July 6, 2013. The ancient tradition, originating from pagan times, is usually marked in Ukraine with grand overnight festivities. During the Ivana Kupala, people jump over burning campfires and bathe in a lake or a river, as they believe it will purge them of their sins and make them healthier. [Photo/Agencies]
