Bureaus Exclusive

The website of Mount Taishan, China launched

By Zhao Ruixue and Ji Yuan (China Daily Shandong Bureau)
Updated: 2010-01-06 13:21
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The website of <EM>Mount Taishan, China</EM> launched
Mr. Wang Ximin (right) and Bai Yucui jointly press the launching button at the ceremony. [chinadaily.com.cn]
The website of <EM>Mount Taishan, China</EM> launched

The website of Mountain Taishan in China(http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/taishan/c/index.html) was officially launched on Jan 6, providing a new Internet platform with English language features and unique communication methods to showcase the city of Tai'an to the world as a city famous for Mount Taishan.

Related readings:
The website of <EM>Mount Taishan, China</EM> launched Mt. Taishan, Mountain of Mountains

Wang Ximin, deputy editor-in-chief of China Daily, and Bai Yucui, a member of the Tai'an Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, attended the opening ceremony for the Website.

The website is targeted at English-speaking Western countries, while its Chinese edition serves Chinese-speaking readers. It is also a portal linked to local official websites that include China Mountain Tai Net and Tai'an Investment.

To cater to both overseas and domestic demands, the World Connections section is designed to showcase the progress made by Tai'an on its way to opening up to the world.

Website pages called Focus and Business contain the latest information on Tai'an's development strategies and describe the city's major cultural, sports and economic activities. Sections on Investment, Culture and the Tai'an Brand supply updated economic and cultural cooperation information for those who are interested in investing on Tai'an.

Photos and Multimedia sections show the diverse and colorful scenery of Tai'an and Mount Taishan.