Economy and Business

Ningbo to hold an energy expo in June

By Chen Qide (
Updated: 2010-03-30 16:53
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A senior Ningbo government official announced today that the coastal city will host an energy expo in June to boost its new energy and environment protection industries.

Lin Keyu, director of the organizing committee of Energy Expo, said the three-day event starting on June 18 will be a great stimulus to the city's industrial restructure. "We plan to invest more funds in new energy and high-tech projects this year, which need new technologies," said Lin.

Lin, also director of Ningbo Economic Committee, said Ningbo will spend 220 billion yuan on fixed asset projects to spur its new industries this year.

They include a 1 million-ton ethene facility, an ocean oil platform, a polyethane third-phase project and some infrastructure facilities.

The director said many medium-sized and small firms are calling for energy-saving technologies to reduce costs and increase profits. He said 296 energy-saving projects will be launched this year at a cost of 4.2 billion yuan.