
Ten more reasons to invest in Kenya

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-05-03 07:13
Large Medium Small

1. Manufacturing Under Bond Program, guaranteeing 100 percent investment allowance and duty and VAT exemption on machinery, equipment and raw materials.

2. Export processing zones:

10-year tax holiday

Duty and VAT exemption

Single license

Exemption from stamp duty

Exemption for withholding tax

25 percent corporate tax for 10 years after the first 10 years expire

100 percent investment allowance.

3. Duty remission - exemption on duties and VAT on raw materials used to manufacture exports.

4. Liberal depreciation rates based on book value.

5. Capital expenditure, where

Duties paid for capital expenditure in excess of $70,000 can be recovered from corporate tax.

Capital goods and basic raw materials are zero-rated.

6. Tourism

Investments in tourist hotels can apply for waiver of duties and VAT.

100 percent investment allowance for new investments in manufacturing and tourist hotels.

7. 25 percent corporate tax for companies issuing initial public offers in the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

8. The most developed stock market in the Eastern and Central Africa region including the NSE.

9. Great place to live: Kenya has a modern and vibrant social and economic fabric.

10. Kenyan people are known for being warm and hospitable, and English is widely spoken both in formal and informal situations.

(China Daily 05/03/2010 page23)