
Yuanyang Creek Scenic Spot in Pingnan County

Updated: 2011-03-31 15:57
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Wonder 3: Dingtan Xianyan Valley

The Xianyan Valley is a full three-dimensional landscape of "unique beauty in China which is rarely seen in the world".

It is the valley with the highest concentration of attractions in the Yuanyang Creek. The deep valley is like a huge silo. In the silo, the giant rocks stand in great numbers, waterfalls stream down from above and the stone below is ground smooth.

The valley is encircled by luxuriant virgin forest. There are dozens of attractions such as Buddha Head Rock and Twin Beds. The most fabulous scene is "Ding Tan Chuan Zhu" (Four Pools in a String), a series of four deep pools connected by 1m long "flues".

A high waterfall rushes into the deep pools and pushes water in and out of the three "flues" making the four pools appear as if they are "boiling up" all year round. The surface bubbles on the pools look like strings of pearls, and the pools themselves are covered with water mist.

The Xianyan Valley faces south, is shaded from the scorching sun in hot summer and receives warm sunlight in cold winter, making it warm in winter and cool in summer.

Wonder 4: Guanyin and Sakyamuni in Clouds

Looking out from the top of a huge white rock in the middle section of the Yuanyang Creek, you may notice a huge peak at the mouth of the valley which bears a certain resemblance to Sakyamuni lying in the mist. People call it "Sakyamuni Peak".

The Guanyin Rock standing beside this peak looks like Bodhisattva Guanyi stood upon a lotus throne flying slowly through the fog. At her feet, two straight pines pierce through the sea of fog. Many of those who have laid eyes on this scene maintain that the view is as spectacular as the sea of clouds around Yellow Mountain, and is in fact more charming than the latter.

As mandarin ducks symbolize lovers, and macaques are naughty and active, Yuanyang Creek is particularly popular with young tourists. In order to make full use of the tourism resources of the two birds while protecting their natural habitat, Pingnan County Tourism Administration has domesticated mandarin ducks and macaques under the vigorous support of Fujian Provincial Commission of Science and Technology. In the spirit of the lovers and love that the mandarin ducks symbolize, Pingnan County has now introduced China’s first ever tourism program of "honeymoon bridal sedan chair tour" The tour was first announced on a CCTV Variety Show, arousing the interest of numerous tourists.


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