Chengdu embraces int'l art exhibition

Updated: 2014-04-18 16:57

By Li Yu and Peng Chao in Chengdu (

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Chengdu embraces int'l art exhibition

An art work on display at the 2014 Chengdu International Art Exhibition in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, from Apr 17 to 20. Photo by Si Luyu

Two thousand pieces of art by artists from over ten countries are on display at the 2014 Chengdu International Art Exhibition in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, from Apr 17 to 20.

"The art works are mainly masterpieces provided by 100 galleries and art institutions in countries that include France, Germany, Italy and Spain," said the organizers.

The works cover a variety of art forms such as Chinese painting and calligraphy, oil painting, sculpture, prints and photography.

"It is a gathering of eastern and western arts, which not only introduces western art to inland China, but also provides a platform for bilateral cultural and art exchange," said the organizers.

As a famous historical and cultural city, Chengdu is devoted to introducing more international art exhibitions to further develop its cultural industry, local officials said.