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China Daily Website

  • New tourism vistas with visa-free policy

    2014-05-22 11:27

    Foreigners who want to know more about Chengdu's 72-hour visa-free policy can search famous social network such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for pictures and text.

  • New policy to create cosmopolitan city

    2014-05-15 14:31

    Chengdu's 72-hour visa free policy will bring more business opportunities, said international companies and trade assoacitions in the southwestern metropolis.

  • Chengdu tourism expects new high

    2014-04-17 10:24

    Southwestern China's Chengdu city recently announced its development targets for the tourism industry in 2014, aiming to receive a total of 186 million tourists and generate tourism revenue of 166.3 billion yuan ($ 27.4 billion), up by 25 percent.

  • More travelers flying overseas from Chengdu

    2014-04-17 10:19

    An increasing number of people are taking international flights from Chengdu as the city seeks a more global presence.

  • Chengdu looks to become intl aviation hub

    2014-04-17 10:16

    Sichuan capital Chengdu had opened 70 passenger and cargo flights to foreign countries and regions by the end of last month, including 32 scheduled direct routes, Chengdu Daily reported.
