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China Daily Website

  • Financial innovations fuel enterprises in South China

    2013-12-05 16:45

    The over-the-counter market of Guangdong High-Tech Service Zone for Financial Institutions went into operation in late October.

  • Zone becoming better place for businesses

    2013-12-05 16:43

    An improving investment climate, strategic development positioning and ceaseless promotions combine to enhance the allure of the Guangdong High-Tech Service Zone for Financial Institutions to potential investors.

  • Guangdong financial zone seeking investment from England

    2013-12-05 16:19

    The Guangdong provincial financial affairs office, the Fo-shan city government and the development and promotion bureau of Guangdong High-Tech Service Zone for Financial Institutions will jointly organize a seminar in London on Dec 10 to promote business opportunities inside the provincial zone.
