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Beijing wants a pension system for special family planning


Beijing’s Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission has joined four other departments in looking for more ways to help people living in difficult conditions.

Chinese medical equipment forum in Beijing


When China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology put on a forum on Chinese medical equipment development and applications, in Beijing, on Aug 31, they signed a cooperation agreement on an innovative development strategy to make China a strong, independent, innovative manufacturer of medical equipment.

Li Bin meets Pittsburgh University scholar


Li Bin, minister of the NHFPC, met Professor Robert Friedlander, director of neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh, in Beijing on August 19.

Regulation reins in stem cell therapy


China is aiming to control the "wildly" growing practice of stem cell therapy, issuing on Friday its first regulation covering the largely controversial medical procedure in terms of safety and efficacy.

Medics had no time to lose after blast


Living about 700 meters from the center of the Tianjin blast, Jiang Lingyu was injured by broken glass and passed out on Aug 12 at midnight.

Large number of cities in public hospital reform effort this year


China is working on county-level public hospital reforms through October, with hospitals in 100 cities expected to be completed by the end of December.

Medical technicians rush to Tianjin to help with disaster


The NHFPC sent three medical teams to Tianjin, on Aug 13, to rescue survivors and treat the injured after the blast in the warehouse, on Aug 12.

Premier Li in Tianjin to coordinate rescue work,post-blast resettlement


Bowing to the photos of the deceased firefighters, Premier Li Keqiang on Aug 16 paid respects to those young men who lost their lives in two massive warehouse blasts in north China’s port city of Tianjin that have killed 112.

Link: China's Central Government / World Health Organization / United Nations Population Fund / UNICEF in China

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