Wang Pei’an, Vice Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission, explains the new two-child policy.
Health is not only the basis for personal development and happiness but also an important measurement of national prosperity and people’s well-being.
An official from Department of Community Family Planning recently answered questions about the universal two-child policy.
Li Bin, minister of the commission, said the supply of such social goods will be expanded to facilitate the new policy, in line with people's expectations, and will benefit them over the long run.
A massive nursing home community being built about 80 kilometers southwest of Beijing is expected to provide 2,600 rooms for senior citizens from the capital when it opens next year.
Cui Li, a vice-minister with China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission, met with Martin van Rijn, the Netherlands’ vice-minister of health, welfare and sport, in Beijing, on Oct 26.
The latest reports from the prominent English medical journal The Lancet indicate that public health conditions in China have improved significantly over the past two decades.
Ma Xiaowei, vice minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, visited France and Germany during October 25-28 at the invitation of the French and German governments.
Link: China's Central Government / World Health Organization / United Nations Population Fund / UNICEF in China
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