Ryan makes another promise

Updated: 2011-09-07 07:43

(China Daily)

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FLORHAM PARK, N.J. - This is the season the New York Jets will go to the Super Bowl. Rex Ryan guarantees it.

Ryan makes another promise

And, not only that. The bold, brash coach insists the franchise will celebrate a Lombardi Trophy.

Heard it all before? Ryan doesn't care. This is what he believes, and he's not changing his mind.

"I'll stand by what I always say," Ryan said.

That means he thinks that after two straight losing trips to the AFC championship game, the Jets will take the next step and win it all.

"They say the third time is a charm, so hopefully," tight end Dustin Keller said. "We feel very strongly that we can do that. As Rex said, we are going to win the Super Bowl and we have all the ability in the world to do it. It's just a matter of getting over that hump, winning that game and hopefully winning a Super Bowl for the second time. We definitely have the ability to do that."

Getting to the AFC championship twice in a row isn't easy, and being there three straight seasons is a rarity. The Buffalo Bills were the last to do it, when they won four straight conference titles from 1990-93 and lost in the Super Bowl each of those seasons. The Jets also won't want to join the 1973-75 Oakland Raiders, the only team to lose three straight AFC title games.

"What's next for us?" running back LaDainian Tomlinson said. "It has to be winning the championship."

A lot of that responsibility will fall on quarterback Mark Sanchez, who needs to be better than he has in his first two seasons.

And, Sanchez knows it.

"My improvement determines any kind of ceiling this team could have, and our potential," he said. "We have all of the potential in the world, and now it's time to realize that, for me to step up my game."

Associated Press