Sports / China

China's Olympics pioneer He Zhenliang dies at 85

(Xinhua/ Updated: 2015-01-04 19:06

China's Olympics pioneer He Zhenliang dies at 85

Undated file photo of He Zhenliang, former International Olympic Committee member. He died at a hospital in Beijing on Jan 4, 2015 at the age of 85. [Photo/IC]

He Zhenliang, who was known for his talismanic role in Beijing's successful bid as host city of the 2008 Summer Olympics, died on Sunday afternoon in the city that is set to inherit his Olympic legacy. He was 85.

He, who was elected to the International Olympic Committee in 1981 and elected IOC vice president in 1989, died at a hospital in Beijing Sunday afternoon, his family said.

He became a household name after making the opening and closing speeches in an International Olympics Committee election on July 13, 2001. The speeches not only helped Beijing secure its long-awaited hope to host the 2008 Olympics but also has left an impression on the Chinese people, who, in tribute to his accomplishments, recalled the scene after his death was confirmed.

Beijing is ramping up its preparations to bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics in hopes that its Olympics precedent can be an edge.


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