
Dating ideas for Qixi: concerts in Beijing

By Deng Zhangyu ( ) Updated: 2013-08-06 16:02:43

Dating ideas for Qixi: concerts in Beijing

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Meng Jinghui, one of China's most successful theater directors, presents his famous trilogy for lovers. The director's interpretation of Romeo and Juliet presents a black comedy of Shakespeare's love tragedy while his First Love shows tough choices being made. Meng's box-office hit, Rhinoceros in Love, demonstrates the anguish of a lonely man's secret love for a woman. On Aug 13, couples can enjoy a discount of 85 percent if they buy tickets for any two of the three.

Opening times: 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm, Aug 13, Fengchao Theater, No 3, Xinzhongjie, Dongzhimenwai, Dongcheng district, 010-8404-9981


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