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Fake Terracotta Warriors routed

By Huo Yan and Ma Lie in Xi'an | China Daily | Updated: 2017-01-13 07:57

Fake Terracotta Warriors routed

Several platoons of fake Terracotta Warriors were smashed to bits in Xi'an early on Thursday after the city launched a crackdown on misleading museums and tricky tour guides.[Photo provided to China Daily]

In 2016, the museum logged 120 million visitors.

With the tourism boom, a number of private scenic spots opened around the mausoleum, some of which have been cheating tourists.

Qi Zhiqiang, a retired driver, said a tour bus owner he used to work for could make 6,000 yuan ($870) from 30 tourists on a one-day bus tour to the mausoleum and museum.

"We liked to send the tourists to the private scenic spots because some 50 percent of our tour earnings was from commissions paid by the scenic spots, shops and restaurants," he said.

Xia Nian, a college student in Beijing, filed a report with Xi'an police last week after an unlicensed bus took her on a one-day tour to see fake Terracotta Warriors.

"I was on the way home to Gansu province for my winter vacation and stopped in Xi'an to visit the warriors, but I was cheated by being shown the fake ones and paid nearly twice what it costs to visit the real museum," the city police quoted her as saying. "There were some illegal one-day tour buses around the railway station and I could not distinguish between the illegal and legal buses."

Liu Sanmin, head of Lintong district government, said his district had organized teams with police and officials of concerned departments to crack down on the illegal tour buses and guides and to restore order to the city's tourism market.

"We will resolutely eradicate the sources of tourism chaos and punish the illegal businessmen as well as government agencies and officials who are ineffective in rectifying the tourism market," Liu said.




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