China / Trending across China

Trending: Fake APEC outfits all the rage online

( Updated: 2014-11-13 11:55


Trending: Fake APEC outfits all the rage online


Panda caught gnawing bone in Shaanxi

A panda has been observed for the first time eating the thighbone of takin, a Himalayan goat on Nov 11in Foping National Nature Reserve in Hanzhong, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, reported on Thursday.

Researchers at the reserve unexpectedly found that an aged panda chewed a takin's thighbone for more than 20 minutes and consumed about half before leaving.

Past findings show that middle-aged and elderly giant pandas suffer from the calcium deficiency osteoporosis. Scientists are unsure if pandas eat the bones as calcium supplements.


Rare panda triplets turn 2 month old




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