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Trending across China: Jackie Chan rebuffs 'death' report

( Updated: 2015-05-16 14:27

Trending across China: Jackie Chan rebuffs 'death' report

File photo of Luo Yufeng. [Photo/IC]

China's controversial online celebrity strikes again

Like always, Luo Yufeng can make the Internet explode whichever way she wants. The once controversial online celebrity, commonly known as Sister Phoenix, or Feng Jie, came back to publicity as she opened up to the Chinese version of New York Times about her life in New York as a nail salon worker.

Luo was one of the interviewees who revealed their harsh, racist, and health-harming working conditions as part of the newspaper's investigating report on the dark side of the sprawling nail salons in New York.

Luo gained notoriety for her bold words while seeking a boyfriend in late 2009 and became relative quiet after moving to New York in 2011.

The article, however, broke the silence by lifting Luo to one of the hottest hashtags on Sina Weibo on Saturday, drawing huge discussion on China's Twitter-like social networking site.

Next up: Teacher calls student's test paper BS.

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