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Trending across China: Jackie Chan rebuffs 'death' report

( Updated: 2015-05-16 14:27

Trending across China: Jackie Chan rebuffs 'death' report

An English exam paper was graded "bulls**t". The test paper was posted at an online forum by some angry family member.

Teacher uses foul language on student's test paper

Perhaps the student would never want to study English again after seeing the examiner's remark on his test paper.

The test paper with a foul word written on it was posted at an online forum by some angry family member under the alias of "zq520m" after seeing their nephew's answer sheet given such a verdict.

Internet users were divided, with some in favor of the teacher saying that the remark might motivate the student to do better in the future.

The post was deleted on Friday after circulating online for more than one day.

The youngster was identified as a male student at Xuejia Middle School in Changzhou, East China's Jiangsu province, while the female teacher, , has been teaching English for more than 10 years.

School authorities said an apology will be made to the student and his family after acknowledging the teacher's mistake.

In our final story, Jackie Chan denies his own death.

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